PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

asgi-correlation-id 4.3.4 Middleware correlating project logs to individual requests 2024-10-17 11:44:30
structlog-sentry-logger 1.6.0 Log without the setup via a pre-configured structlog logger with optional Sentry integration 2024-10-15 08:10:28
emmett-sentry 0.7.0 Sentry extension for Emmett framework 2024-10-13 21:36:45
aiogram-sentry 0.1.0 Sentry's Aiogram integration 2024-09-30 18:31:59
lite-bootstrap 0.1.0 Lite package for bootstrapping new microservices 2024-09-12 18:04:10
nonebot-plugin-sentry 2.0.0 Push your bot errors to 2024-05-06 09:36:21
django-guid 3.5.0 Middleware that enables single request-response cycle tracing by injecting a unique ID into project logs 2024-04-25 15:48:53
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